Ralph Kirkpatrick (harpsichord) Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) Sonaten für Cembalo

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Ralph Kirkpatrick (harpsichord) Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) Sonaten für Cembalo

Domenico Scarlatti (1685 -1757), Sonaten für Cembalo / Sonatas for Harpsichord
Harpsichord built by Rainer Schütze, Heidelberg
Recorded June 22-25 1970 in the Plenarsaal, München, Germany
Released 1971 by Archiv Produktion 2533 072
Producer: Dr. Hans Hirsch
Recording: Hans Ritter / Günter Hermanns
Manufactured by Deutsche Grammophon, Hamburg
Cover: Antonio de Velasco: Portrait of Domenico Scarlatti, by courtesy Casa Museu Dos Patudos, Alpiarca. Portugal
VII Research Period: (18th Century), Series Harpsichord, Organ and Lute

The numbering of the sonatas is based on the chronological order established by Ralph Kirkpatrick in his book ‘Domenico Scarlatti'(Princeton, 1953).
Manuscript according to the sources (Venedig, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana – Parma,
Biblioteca Palatina, Sezione Musicale): Ralph Kirkpatrick

Seite 1
1. 4’34
00:00 g-moll K.347 2’12
02:11 G-dur K.348 2’22
2. 5’53
04:37 d-moll K.213 3’43
08:16 D-dur K.214 2’10
3. 3’39
10:28 Fis-dur K.318 1’53
12:20 Fis-dur K.319 1’46
4. 6’05
14:11 E-dur K.380 2’53 ·
17:03 E-dur K. 381 3’12
5. 6’22
20:19 C-dur K.356 3’50
24:05 C-dur K.357 2’32
Gesamt: 26’33

Seite 2
6. 6’19
26:42 c-moll K.526 2’31
29:12 C-dur K.527 3’48
7. 6’06
33:03 D-dur K.478 3’43
36:44 D-dur K.479 2’23
8. 5’20
39:10 F-dur K.524 2’32
41:41 F-dur K.525 2’48
9. 5’58
44:32 G-dur K.454 2’34
47:06 G-dur K.455 3’24
Gesamt: 23’43

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