Metal Monday Ep. 2: Let’s Try This Again…

Tüm Metal Monday Eserleri İçin Tıklayın


Metal Monday Ep. 2: Let's Try This Again...

Alright, this is our second attempt at uploading Metal Monday episode 2. Hopefully this does better than before…..

Since we have so many admirers of metal that follow us, we just want to say, you may not agree with every metal album we have. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with those albums, or owning certain metal bands in our collection. I could spend all day making fun of Metallica on these videos, but I don’t because I respect other people’s opinions.

Whether we show off a more dark metal band, or a Christian metal band, there’s nothing wrong with either of those. We share what we love, and there’s no mistake in that.

Per the discussion of Israel Quezada’s channel, you can find that here:
Check him out, he’s a super cool guy, with great taste in metal and a lot of other classic rock and music in general, with a superb setup!

We have a lot more metal in our collection and would love to make more of these videos. Metal Monday is the most enjoyable, and invested videos that we make, but they’re also the most time consuming. If you don’t like it, or don’t want more, don’t shy away from commenting as long as it’s tasteful and has constructive criticism. We want to upload videos that our viewers enjoy, otherwise, there’s not much point in uploading a YouTube video to the world just for the sake of uploading it.

Otherwise, we appreciate you watching and hope you enjoy it.

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