Janny van Wering (harpsichord) ‘J.S. Bach’ BWV 910 BWV 825 BWV 787/801

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Janny van Wering (harpsichord) 'J.S. Bach' BWV 910 BWV 825 BWV 787/801

Janny van Wering (1909-2005) was a dutch harpsichord player who studied in Amsterdam (Sweelinck Conservatorium) and Paris by Pauline Aubert. ( )
Harpsichord built by Rainer Schütze (Heidelberg, year unknown, lower manual 4′ and 8′, upper manual 8”)
Released by Artone, Holland 9501 without the indication of the year (after 1951 because in the documentation that year is mentioned for concerts in Indonesia).
For futher reading especially about the Sinfonias:
Student thesis (2007) Faculty of Humanities Theses by Henriëtte Wirth
Janny van Wering, onze Nederlandsche claveciniste, in the dutch language.

#RainerSchütze #JannyVanWering

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