Helma Elsner (harpsichord) Telemann: 12 Fantasias for harpsichord (first twelve)

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Helma Elsner (harpsichord) Telemann: 12 Fantasias for harpsichord (first twelve)

Helma Elsner harpsichord (type or builder harpsichord not mentioned in the documentation)
Released 1962 by Dover Publications HCR 5210 (mono)
Hayward Recordings Inc., 180 Varick St., New York 14, N. Y.
Printed in United States of America

TELEMANN: 12 Fantasias for harpsichord (first twelve)
Side A
No.1 in D major:
00:00 Allegro
01:09 Adagio
02:25 Allegro
No.2 in D minor:
03:39 Presto
05:06 Adagio
06:10 Presto
No.3 in E major:
07:45 Vivace
09:18 Largo
11:14 Vivace
No.4 in E minor:
12:49 Allegro
14:07 Dolce
14:45 Allegro
No.5 in F major:
16:07 Vivace
17:45 Largo
18:29 Vivace
No.6 in F minor:
20:08 Tempo di Minuetto
21:53 Largo
22:48 Tempo di Minuetto

Side B
No.7 in G major:
25:01 Presto
26:23 Largo
27:19 Presto
No.8 in G minor:
28:44 Vivace
30:18 Cantabile
32:43 Vivace
No.9 in A major:
34:20 Allegro
35:55 Grave
36:33 Allegro
No. 10 in A minor:
38:06 Allegro
39:49 Largo
40:31 Allegro
No. 11 in B-flat major:
42:12 Allegro
43:45 Largo
44:41 Allegro
No. 12 in E-flat major:
46:11 Vivace
47:28 Largo
48:07 Vivace

The artist
The widely respected German harpsichordist, Helma Elsner, is
famous in Europe and the United States for her achievements on
the concert stage and on recordings as well. She is a performer with
the Chamber Orchestra of the Slidwest Tonstudio in Stuttgatt and
has taught at the Folkwang School in Essen. She was educated in
Essen and Berlin.

The ‘Review of Recorded Music’ commented that the recording of
these Fantasias should be good news for the connoisseur. “This is
‘another blessing of the contemporary LP output,” their critic writes.
“Miss Elsner, a harpsichordist of no small ability, plays with considerable
sensitivity and with a great deal of understanding for the
Baroque style.”
“Elsner plays [the Fantasias] in a scholarly way, keeping close
to the text without eccentricity, holding a steady rhythm . .. Fine
recorded sound” (Harold C. Schonberg in Chamber and Solo Instrument
Music). “Here is a record which may be recommended
warmly, not only because it will give many listeners the opportunity
of becoming acquainted with works which they undoubtedly do
not know, but also because . .. here we come face to face with an
accomplishment of very high quality” (Disques). “This simple but
marvellously fresh and invigorating music should serve admirably to
call attention to a master who has long languished in the shadow
of Bach … Helma Elsner plays the first dozen of these Fantasias
in this album in tasteful and straightforward style” (Musical
America). “Helma Elsner’s Telemann Fantasias are a delight”
(Wheeling News Register). “The performance by Helma Elsner is
expressive, and the discing excellent” (The Billboard).

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