George Malcolm (harpsichord), François Couperin Ordres 8, 14 & 21

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George Malcolm (harpsichord), François Couperin Ordres 8, 14 & 21

Geroge Malcolm (1917-1997) François Couperin ‘Le Grand’ (1668-1733) ‘La Reine des Coeurs’.
Released 1969 by The Decca Record Company Limited label Argo ZRG 632, 1 disc : 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 12 in
Type of instrument or builder not mentioned in the documentation.
Barok & Rönesans1 wrote as a reaction that it should be a Goble. George Malcolm never used Goff in 1969.

00:00 La Raphaele: Presumably associated with one of the greatest of all painters, Raphael Santi. He had many features in common with Couperin – a love of delicate detail and perfection of finish, a rapid response to outside influences but a refusal to copy blindly, a deep joy in nature, a belief that art should be concerned with man’s feelings and not with his knowledge, and (though this is not traceable in Couperin’s keyboard music) there was a common imagination of the aspirations of man and of the manifestations of God.
03:18 L’ Ausoniene: (Allemande. Legerement et marque) A poetical name for an Italian, after Ausonius – a . French-born poet who becoming a Roman consul in 379 subsequently returned to Bordeaux where he had studied.
05:24 Courantes 1 & 2
09:23 L’Unique: (Sarabande. Gravement – Vivement)
11:56 Gavotte: (Tendrement)
13:21 Rondeau: (Gayement) two variations
15:22 Gigue
18:05 Passacaille: (Rondeau) eight variations. Probably Couperin’s greatest single work. Only a few seconds of relative calm (in the third variation) break the tremendous power contained in it. Landowska described it as having ‘the majesty of a cathedral’.
24:40 La Morinete: (Legerement et tres lie) A Corelli-like gigue descriptive of the composer Jean-Baptiste Morin’s daughter.

QUATORZIEME ORDRE BOOK 3. Ordre No 14 in D major/minor
26:30 Le Rossignol-en-amour: (Lentement et tres tendrement, quoy que mesure) The nightingale in love
29:20 La Linote efarouchee: (Legerement. Rondeau) two variations The frightened linnet.
30:58 Les Fauvetes plaintives (Très tendrement) The mournful warblers
33:28 Le Rossignol-vainqueur (Très légérement) Traces of sonata form. The victorious nightingale.
35:13 La Julliet (Gaiëment. Rondeau) two variations Presumably a girl’s name.
37:05 Le Carillon de Cithere (Asréablement. sans lenteur)
39:24 Le Petit-rien

40:45 La Reine des Coeurs
43:42 La Bondissante
45:18 La Couperin
48:34 La Harpee
50:47 La Petite Pince-sans-rire

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