Françoise Petit (harpsichord), François Couperin Le Grand Ordre 24 & 25

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Françoise Petit (harpsichord), François Couperin Le Grand  Ordre 24 & 25

Françoise Petit (1925-2015) harpsichord (Pleyel)
François Couperin Le Grand (1668-1733) Ordre 24 & 25
Originally published 1964, Adès 13035, 1 disque : 33 t, mono ; 30 cm
Released at the Pirouette label Mono JA 19011, distributed by Ambasssador Records Corp. Newark, N.J. USA.
Harpsichord: Pleyel. Recorded at the Comedie des Champs-Elysees studios, Paris.
Recording engineer: Dang-Tran Van, Assistant-Montage:Claude Pascaud.

Side A
25e ordre en ut
00:00 La Visionnaire (gravement et marqué)
04:35 La Mystérieuse (modérément)
08:01 La Montflambert (tendrement, sans lenteur)
09:55 La Muse Victorieuse (audacieusement)
12:09 Les Ombres Errantes (languissamment)

24e ordre en la
16:22 Les Vieux Seigneurs (Sarabande grave)
18:38 Les Jeunes Seigneurs (cy-decant lkes Petits Maîtres , legement)
20:59 Les Dars-Homicides (gaïement et coulé)

Side B
24:25 Les Guirlandes (1ere partie: amoureusement, sams langueur) (2e partie: qu’on doit toucher de suite, coulament)
31:07 Les Brinborions (en quatre parties, gaïement)
34:20 La Divine-Babiche Ou Les Amours Badins (voluptueusement, sans langueur)
37:24 La Belle Javotte (autre fois l’infante, tendrement)
38:15 L’Amphibie (noblement)

The Brilliant keyboard artistry of Françoise Petit emerged in 1945 when
she took First Prize In Piano in the class of Jean Doyen. This was
followed by the Prix d’Honneur in 1946, 1st Medal in Chamber Music, and
First Prize in the History of Music class of N. Dufourcq. She studied
harmony with 0livier Messiaen, and won a scholarship for studies with
Ruggero Gerlin at the Accademia Chigiana in Sienna. She also won a
bursary from the French Government for musicological research. In
England, Sweden and Holland. To these honours Miss Petit added a British
Council Scholarship, In 1957 won the Bablock Prize. She is a member of
the jury at the Paris Conservatoire, and her album of works by the Sons
of Bach won for her the coveted GRAND PRIX DU DISQUE
Miss Petit is known to North American audiences through her many
appearances in concert and on radio, as well as her brilliant
In Europe,she has appeared as soloist on the French Radio &
Television Network ( R.T.F. ). on the B.B.C., Berne, Brussels,
Hilversum, Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Lisbon , Istanbul ,Ankara,
Prague & Luxembourg Radios.
Commenting on her concerts, critics have said that “Not only does she
have an amazing technique, but also the secret of playing the
harpsichord” ••• “A radiant personality”, “We look forward with joy to
our next encounter with Miss Petit and her keyboard artistry” ••• “An
inspired recital”, etc, etc.

#PleyelHarpsichord #FrançoisePetit

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