Blind Guardian – And Then There Was Silence – (Very Rare) [HQ Vinyl Rip] Picture Disc Vinyl EP

Tüm Blind Guardian Eserleri İçin Tıklayın


Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence - (Very Rare) [HQ Vinyl Rip] Picture Disc Vinyl EP

My soul carries on, I stand against adversity, I tear down the walls, my life stumbles in the fields of blood, but you are still there to release your wings of strength upon the collapsing skies. At the moment of times end, at the edge of earth in a distant place, I will feel the winds of darkness brush past my soul before lifted to you in the embrace of truth and everlasting light. When this world passes away, all there will be is silence….

This is, And Then There Was Silence on picture disc vinyl by Blind Guardian. The EP amongst all EP’s to caress your soul and fly you to the end of time.

Originally recorded in 2002 from the ‘A Night At The Opera’ album.

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