Blanche Winogron (virginal, mother and child) The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, selections

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Blanche Winogron (virginal, mother and child) The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, selections

The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book
A program played on the virginals (mother and child) by Blanche Winogron
Released 1966 STEREO by Hayward Recordings HCR-ST-7266, Mineola, New York. (Dover publications)

Builder of the mother and child virginal not mentioned in the documentation.
“In order to attain a maximum of variety for her program Miss Winogron performs on virginals of two different sizes, using them alternately and occasionally together. Following the fashion of the double virginals of the time, the smaller one, tuned in the higher or so·called “octave” pitch, is placed over the larger, tuned in the usual “eight-foot” pitch. The combined range of the two levels of keyboard provides the player with a number of possibilities for tonal contrast without the aid of any mechanical devices, such as pedals and stops. The musical interest, however, is largely sustained by the skill and artistry of the player, who must create the illusion of dynamic change in most instances through touch, pacing and clever finger action”.
Sydney Beck.

Cover picture: earliest double virginals in existence, built
by Hans Ruckers in Antwerp, 1581. In the instrument
collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

I have cut away some disturbing noises of the mechanical construction of the instrument
while cleaning up the vinyl from clicks.

Side One:
00:00 1. Monsieurs Alman (William Byrd)
03:36 2. Coranto (William Byrd)
04:28 3. Barafostus’ Dreame (anonymous)
7:09 4. Worster Braules (Thomas Tomkins)
8:14 5. Pavana (William Byrd)
10:11 6. Galliarda (William Byrd)
11:45 7. Alman (!V1artin Peerson)
13:11 8. Fantasia (Nicholas Strogers)
16:09 9. Wooddy·Cock (Giles Farnaby)

Side Two:
22:07 1. Alman (Robert Johnson)
23:35 2. Amarilli di Julio Romano (Peter Philips)
26:56 3. Munday’s Joy (John Munday)
27:58 4. Pavana Chromatica (William Tisdall)
31:35 5. Galliardo (Peter Philips)
32:21 6. Pakington’s Pownde (anonymous)
34:05 7. In Nomine (J.ohn Bull)
37:30 8. The Spanish Paven (John Bull)

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