Anton Heiller (harpsichord) The Virtuoso Harpsichord Vol. 2, Selected works of F. Couperin

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Anton Heiller (harpsichord) The Virtuoso Harpsichord Vol. 2, Selected works of F. Couperin

Recorded 1959 in Vienna, Austria
Recorded under the auspices of The Bach Guild
Released 1961 by Vanguard BG 619 (not mentioned in the documentation), Also as: Vanguard AMD 7009 (cd) and Vanguard 08 6106 71 (cd) (Source: “Anton Heiller, Organist, Composer, Conductor” by Peter Planyavsky page 307, first published 2014)
Sleeve notes by S. W. Bennett

00:00 1 Les Petits Moulins à Vent – “The Little Windmill”
Troisieme Livre, Ordre No. 17, E minor
01:51 2 Le Carillon de Cithére – The Chimes of Cythera”
Troisieme Livre, Ordre No. 14, D major
05:47 3 Passacaille Second Livre, Ordre No. 8, B minor
11:37 4 Les Baricades Mistérieuses – “The Mysterious Barricades”
Second Livre, Ordre No. 6, B flat major
13:46 5 Le Tic-Toc-Choc, ou les Maillotins – “Tick-Tock-Chock, or The Budding of the Year”
Troisieme Livre, Ordre No. 18, F major
16:30 6 Les Fastes de la grande et ancienne Menestrandise (pts. i-iv) – “The grand and ancient Minstrel Order on parade”, in four parts
Second Livre, Ordre No. 11, C major and minor

1 Les Folies françoises, ou Les Domines
Troisieme Livre, Ordre No. 13, B minor
27:07 1. La Virginite (invisible).
27:41 2. La Pudeur, or “Modesty” (rose).
28:14 3. L’Ardeur (carnation).
28:41 4. L’Esperance, or “Hope” (green).
29:05 5. La Fidelite (blue).
29:42 6. La Perseverance (grey linen) .
30:19 7. La Langueur (violet).
30:48 8. La Coqueterie (under varied Dominos).
31:11 9. Les Vieux Galans et les tresorieres suranees
31:53 10. Les Coucous benevoles, or “the benevolent cuckoos” (yellow).
32:22 11. La Jalousie taciturne (Moorish grey).
33:09 12. La Frénésie, or Le Desespoir – “Frenzy or despair” (black).

33:43 2 Le Dodo, ou L’ Amour au berceau – “The Dodo, or love in a cradle”
36:33 3 Les Caloltins et les calotines, ou La Pièce à trétous
Troisieme Livre, Ordre No. 19, D minor
39:42 4 L’ Âme-en-peine – “The afflicted soul”
Second Livre, Ordre No. 13, B minor
44:05 5 L’Epineuse – The spinet player
Quatrieme Livre, Ordre No. 26, F sharp minor
48:03 6 L’ Amphibie: mouvement de passacaille
Quatrieme Livre, Ordre No. 24, A major

Everything Anton Heiller does he carries out with the greatest musical distinction and technical integrity; harpsichord performance, in which he is recognized as a foremost virtuoso; organ playing, which he also teaches as professor at the Vienna Academy of Music; composition, with his works winning accolades at performances in London, Venice, Paris, Copenhagen and the Salzburg Festival. He is also a notable scholar of baroque and classical music, and is in great demand for performances that call for realizations of figured bass, improvisation in baroque style, and mastery of ornamental figures.
In order to ensure the utmost quietness of surfaces· and clarity of
reproduction, this program has been recorded slightly above concert level. In playback, the volume should be turned down in order to reproduce the intimacy of sound characteristic of the harpsichord.
A biography of Anton Heiller by Peter Planyavsky can be found as a Googlebook at:

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